Party Wall Fees
Legal Requirement
The serving of a Party Wall Notice is a legal requirement prior to commencing any building works set out under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 (the Act).
PWS ESSEX can draft and serve valid Party Wall Notices on your behalf at very competitive fees. Prices start from just £40 per notice and includes:
- Reviewing your drawings to identify your Party Wall Notifiable works.
- Identifying which of the 3 different Notices need to be served. Under Sections 1, 3, 6
- Consultation on the various methods of serving the Notice(s) in accordance with Section 15 of the Act, and deciding upon which method achieves the most favourable consenting outcome.
- We carry out a Title Register search of the adjoining properties via the Land Registry website. This does incur a small fee which is included.
- We prepare professional Notice(s) by a qualified Party Wall Surveyor.
- A detailed cover letter explaining the process and reasons for the Party Wall Notice(s). Your neighbour will also be invited to contact PWS ESSEX should they have any questions relating to the Notice(s).
- We provide Acknowledgement Forms and a stamp-addressed envelope for your neighbour to formally respond.
- Selection, collation and inclusion of your necessary drawings to ensure the Notice served is valid.
- For situations where more than one Adjoining Owner requires Party Wall Notices, we usually undertake the serving of numerous Notices at a reduced fee, beneficial to you if both or more neighbours require notices.
- We offer an all in fee for any and all notices for up to 3 adjoining owners – just ask about out Fixed fees
We have created some Free templates for you to use if you wish to and are happy with the correct information, plans, and sections required with regards to the Party Wall Act etc 1996
- Section 1 – Line of Junction – Free PDF Notice Template – Click Here to Download
- Section 3 – Party Structure Notice – Free PDF Template – Click Here to Download
- Section 6 – Notice of Adjacent Excavation 3m/6m – Free PDF Template – Click Here to Download
Schedule of Condition
We can carry out a Schedule of Condition (SOC) to a Neighbouring property and produce the report in duplicate, one for you and one for the neighbour so all parties are able to refer at any time, usually at the end of any works, included photographs and description of the current condition. Prices for SOC start at £295 and again we may be able to provide further beneficial pricing if more than one SOC is required and able to be carried out on the same day.
Party Wall Awards
To carry out the all work in the preparation of a Party wall Award. liaising with any Adjoining Owners Surveyors in relatively straightforward situations can be prepared from £425 however we can confirm any rate and what is involved when you contact us to discuss your work. Different rates apply if an Agreed Surveyor status can be achieved in accordance with your neighbours. We also determine the reasonableness of any Adjoining Surveyors costs so that you are not, even though normally expected to cover any AO surveyors costs, left with an inflated bill.
Contact us today to discuss your Party Wall Requirements, we are happy to find out how we can help and to confirm our rate for assisting you with all Party Wall Matters